Tuesday, November 29, 2016

20161115 11am smoking coach - session 1

She mentioned Chantix and that you have to take it right in order for it to work/keep you from smoking

could take welbutrin for anxiety

she asked me to call my doctor

best rate of recovery is coaching + medication

- possible solution to use chantix and low dose NRT

- say no I don't need to feel anxious right now "wellbutrin"

- reduce intake to 10 per day this week

think about things that are important to me that will improve with smoking cessation - examples:  money, smell, health

smoking = addiction + habit


intentional exercise REALLY HELPS - same pleasure response as smoking

1.  think about how to incorporate exercise 2x week
2.  Talk to doc about meds
3.  Be very focused on pushing off smokes as long as possible.  Keep a log.  "I don't need this right now."  What am I feeling right now?
4.  BE AWARE of patterns

next call 11am on Nov 22nd

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Worked very hard to take the break in the middle of things instead of when I finish or before I start something . 


I had a couple of thoughts of smoking since the last one, but pushed those thoughts off. I think this one is more of a transition cigarette.


Smoking coach asked me to:
1. stay very mindful of my smoking
2.  push back each smoke
3.  no more smoking in the car

I personally added:
4.  push back 1st smoke of the day by 15 minutes

Next call is December 1st @8am ET

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

20161116 1010am Craving

got some packages at work and after opening everything and setting it all up, I feel like going to smoke, but I am not going to.  Was also able to successfully to sign up for 12 week lozenge plan on smokefreehabits.com

20161116 830a T-2 weeks? Here we go again

Having a craving, mostly because it's time to do it. it's only been an hour and 20 since my last smoke.

UPDATE:  When checking on this post, I read through some older quits HOLY $H!T - that was ugly.  I'm not quit right now - just logging the smokes I smoke.  Bought lots of lozenges, made an appointment for next Monday with my doc to ask for medication, spoke with a healthier me smoke free counselor yesterday - first time for that.  My friend at work quit smoking on Saturday at Noon.