Tuesday, November 29, 2016

20161115 11am smoking coach - session 1

She mentioned Chantix and that you have to take it right in order for it to work/keep you from smoking

could take welbutrin for anxiety

she asked me to call my doctor

best rate of recovery is coaching + medication

- possible solution to use chantix and low dose NRT

- say no I don't need to feel anxious right now "wellbutrin"

- reduce intake to 10 per day this week

think about things that are important to me that will improve with smoking cessation - examples:  money, smell, health

smoking = addiction + habit


intentional exercise REALLY HELPS - same pleasure response as smoking

1.  think about how to incorporate exercise 2x week
2.  Talk to doc about meds
3.  Be very focused on pushing off smokes as long as possible.  Keep a log.  "I don't need this right now."  What am I feeling right now?
4.  BE AWARE of patterns

next call 11am on Nov 22nd