And I start to freak out. I am another day closer to quitting and I am having trouble envisioning my morning routine without smokes. But I think I really need to work on this aspect of the quit. I have always been the type of person that plans things out, from birthday parties to school night routines, I prepare myself in advance for how everything should flow and what possible things could go "wrong" and how I'll deal with those things. I think I'll take some time today to create a page or two dedicated to NEW smokefree routines. Perhaps it will release some of this anxiety I already feel, which seems completely odd to be feeling so strongly yet I am still smoking any and all cigarettes that I choose to smoke. I really would like to start the herbal supplement because this already SUCKS!
For the record - I did listen to my subliminal mp3s last night. I got further than I did the night before, but still fell asleep 2/3s of the way through....I think. I'm not gonna lie, I do worry just a tiny bit that they are putting weird ideas in my head, but I'll just pray they don't turn me into a walking zombie and just help me quit smoking. =)