Pretty crappy day if I do say so. And that last cigarette was pretty crappy too. Career smoker for 28 years and it ends like that. Fine. Good riddance. I actually like it that way. No romanticism. Just the end of the most disgusting and unhealthy habit EVER. Tomorrow is gonna be hard but God will help me through it! And Thursday....forget about it! 15 minutes at a time. Flylady has no idea how high I will fly once this addiction is gone. Might even get to Jupiter, but I won't get stupider, that's for sure! God night and God speed! Congratulations!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
A good day
I must thank God first because all things are possible through Him. And even if it is mainly the SJW then it is still His creation and His timing and circumstance that brought it to me. I took two pills today and felt great. Not won the lottery great, but great in that I could have thought that would normally send me onto a tizzy, and I stayed calm and happy. One of those thoughts that I had throughout the day was quitting or not smoking at that time and I handled the thoughts with Grace. His Grace. Thank you God.
Tomorrow I will begin the habit of not smoking in the morning. That'll be a toughy just because of the pure habit. But I have my new routine and I will just follow it. =) God speed!
I am getting things in place!
Reconfigured phone to help out a lot. Created some babysteps to get started. This week, sans today, I will no longer smoke first thing in the morning. God speed!
Friday, July 13, 2012
You can't quit if you don't keep trying
Back on the Tobacoff. Took 3 yesterday at 4pm. And then this morning at 9am and just now. I am smoking as I type this but not really enjoying it.been sitting at my desk all day doing some work but mostly in a daze. Need to finish my inspiration creations when I go back up. I think tomorrow's going to be the day I become a nonsmoker. God speed!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wow! I am sorta impressed!
So the numbers pretty much say it all. I did fantastic on day 4 of my plan. I have listened to my subliminal mp3s every single night. I did start taking the SW today though and I feel great and proud too. Yeah me!
The part where I am really impressing myself is that I seem to be stretching my times almost to the next interval before I even get to that particular level. Still working on a visualization of being completely smoke free. I think that's gonna end up being more of a leap of faith for me with my Pruner than anything else. Which is fine, because all things are possible through Him. Amen.
= = JUST NOTICED = = the smoking log is updating all days to the current stats - so the colors for plan days 1-3 are inaccurate, but then again it makes yesterday look all the more better :D
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
It's not going quite as expected
From the photo of my smoke log, I am definitely doing better on my second day of the plan, but I gotta say I feel like I'm doing worse. I even altered the plan by increasing my Tobacoff but was irritable and craved them the worst since this quit plan even came to mind.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Subliminal mp3
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I wake up
For the record - I did listen to my subliminal mp3s last night. I got further than I did the night before, but still fell asleep 2/3s of the way through....I think. I'm not gonna lie, I do worry just a tiny bit that they are putting weird ideas in my head, but I'll just pray they don't turn me into a walking zombie and just help me quit smoking. =)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
New goal added to Get Rich or Die Smoking
This one is much more attainable! At this point in my journey I think it'd be great to go once a month out to an "anniversary" dinner. Sadly though, it will set us back a little on the BIG goal. Of course this is all easy to plan while I sit in the car smoking three cigarettes in a row! 8-O